Welcome to JETPUBS – Leah Harrower

LeahHarrowerJETPUBS is pleased to welcome our newest team member, Leah Harrower! Her background experience in technical writing, administration, sales, and analytics make her a great fit in her new position as our Director of Quality.

Leah is excited to use her English degree and her wide variety of experience to continue to uphold the high quality standards at JETPUBS. “Being able to focus on one thing that I really enjoy is a huge appeal,” said Harrower. “I’m also thrilled to be a part of a company that is continuing to grow and expand across the industry.”

Outside of work, Leah’s hobbies include running, camping, board games, cooking new recipes, and reading. Her favorite authors are H.P. Lovecraft and Chuck Palahniuk.

-Lauren Olson, JETPUBS Inc.