Melissa Levick

Chief of Staff

Melissa Levick
Chief of Staff

Gallup’s Clifton StrengthsFinder® Top 5 Strengths – Communication, Achiever, Activator, Command, Significance

Hometown – Los Altos, CA

  1. Takeoff or landing?
    Takeoff.  Audiobook on, and hours of uninterrupted quiet time to work, read, and sleep.  Flying on a plane is my happy place.
  1. Do you enjoy the culture or the scenery more when you travel?
    Both.  I love to explore the less-traveled places on earth, where I try to “live like a local”, take in as many local sights, flavors, and experiences as possible, and enjoy something new and beautiful.
  1. What makes you find the aviation industry appealing?
    The magic of flying isn’t lost on me. I feel so fortunate to live in a time when we can hop on a plane and travel to virtually anywhere on earth in a matter of hours.  Considering that used to never be possible, it could have taken months, and it could have led to injury/sickness (think Oregon Trail/Mayflower). The aviation industry is incredibly innovative which allows for life-changing opportunity and adventure.