Chief of Staff
Melissa Levick
Chief of Staff
Gallup’s Clifton StrengthsFinder® Top 5 Strengths – Communication, Achiever, Activator, Command, Significance
Hometown – Los Altos, CA
- Takeoff or landing?
Takeoff. Audiobook on, and hours of uninterrupted quiet time to work, read, and sleep. Flying on a plane is my happy place.
- Do you enjoy the culture or the scenery more when you travel?
Both. I love to explore the less-traveled places on earth, where I try to “live like a local”, take in as many local sights, flavors, and experiences as possible, and enjoy something new and beautiful.
- What makes you find the aviation industry appealing?
The magic of flying isn’t lost on me. I feel so fortunate to live in a time when we can hop on a plane and travel to virtually anywhere on earth in a matter of hours. Considering that used to never be possible, it could have taken months, and it could have led to injury/sickness (think Oregon Trail/Mayflower). The aviation industry is incredibly innovative which allows for life-changing opportunity and adventure.