Giving Thanks!

thankfulOne of the happiest days of my life was back on a rainy, September morning in 2005 when my mom flipped her car upside down in a highway ditch while heading to work. The roof was pushed in almost a foot and the entire car was totaled. The car went to the junkyard and my mom… well, she went straight to jail. She did not collect $200 or even get to pass Go! So how could this be one of the happiest days of my life you ask? I will tell you…

My mom did not get rushed to the hospital, nor was she even hurt, but having a blood alcohol level of .29 and a gallon jug of vodka in the backseat will get you your very own escorted ride to your very own tiny cell in the nearest county jail. This was the happiest day for me, because this was the first day of the rest of her new life! This was the day that my mom, Cindy, became a Recovering Alcoholic. Our entire lives have changed since then and we recently celebrated her 10 years of sobriety in September!

In honor of Thanksgiving, I wanted to share this story because I am forever thankful for the way this incident has shaped my life. This accident was the worst day of her life at the time, but little did she know it would turn out to be the best day of her life and mine!

– Chelsea Williams, JETPUBS Inc.