Advancements in Aviation

Bob's Article ImageI recently had the privilege of representing JETPUBS at the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) 2014 conference in Orlando. It was a great opportunity to discuss the JETPUBS product line with current and new clients, in addition to seeing some of the newest advancements in aviation.

When I began my aviation career we relied on analog instrumentation, mechanically driven flight controls, and manuals on microfiche. I recall having flight crews report low engine idle. When asked what idle speed was seen on the tape indicators used at the time, they could only give a range and not a specific speed because the tape bounced too much.

When we went on road trips to repair an aircraft we would take a portable microfiche reader and manuals in addition our tools and parts. Some aircraft even carried a small library in the flight deck to ensure the maintenance staff had access to the most current manuals.

The industry has certainly evolved over time with precision digital instrumentation, aircraft that generate codes to assist in troubleshooting, portable tablets, and computer technology.

At NBAA 2014 I saw aircraft with touch screen flight deck panels, fly by wire technology for corporate aircraft, and software that provides GA pilots moving maps on an iPad, in addition to our own JETPUBS Online Manual Service.

What I enjoyed the most at the conference was talking with fellow aviation enthusiasts about the JETPUBS product line and the future of our industry. We shared our thoughts about enhancements that would have only been considered possible in science fiction at one time but now are in reach.

It is an exciting time in aviation with the possibilities seeming endless.

– Bob Pitts, JETPUBS Inc.