After a day at JETPUBS, I travel home towards the Twin Cities in Minnesota, not too far from the MSP International Airport. It happened to be a late night at the office for me, so stars and streetlights illuminated my drive home. As I neared my exit, I saw just above the horizon the waxing crescent moon, several stars and planets, and the lights of airliners all in perfect alignment, dipping down toward the western skyline. It was truly an intriguing sight.
Ancient astrologers used lights in the heavens to peer into the future at events unfortold. Now, we have weather forcasts, market trends, and various publications to tell us what the future likely holds. When we look at the aviation industry as a whole, what does it tell us about its future?
Many would cite movements toward electronic flight decks, EFBs, and iPad use in pilot and mechanic training. Others would boast of greater inflight experiences for passengers. Still others would focus on the mass shortages looming on the horizon. Though experts vary in opinion, it is certain that the industry holds some complex changes ahead, with incomplete answers.
Though exact forecasts on a worldwide scale are too large and variable to predict, we can focus on where aviation is taking each of us. So please tell us, where is it taking you? Which lights need to align to see your future realized?
Rochelle Johnson, JETPUBS Inc.